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Uke | Startdato | Sluttdato | Frist | Sted | Språk | |
Start når du vil | - | - | Bergen, Hordaland | Norsk |
Uke: |
Startdato: Start når du vil |
Sluttdato: - |
Frist: - |
Sted: Bergen, Hordaland |
Sted: Bergen, Hordaland |
Språk: Norsk |
Trykk her for mer info |
Lukk |
The course includes 10 large following projects:
All materials aren´t included in the price and can be purchased directly on course. Members of CII will recieve a 15% member discount on clay and basic supplies.
Members will be required to purchase the Flower Course Curriculum II book for 150 krones
Upon completion of Flower Course Curriculum II, members may apply for a Certificate of Completion of the Flower Course Curriculum II, signed by DECO head office (fee 350 krones).
Final exam includes (fee 350 krones):
Students who successfully complete the examination process may apply for a Certificate of Instructor (2500 krones).
Courses are held in English.
Available upon request, Bergen
Se flere kurs fra Clay Craft Studio (3)
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